Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New season, new start

The summer has finally arrived. It's already the middle of June. I can't believe it. Where do the days go? I have much to accomplish by the end of this lovely season. I feel like I need a kickstart to get going. A fresh start, and the beginning of a new season is the perfect time for some motivation. I haven't blogged in two months, when really I should've been blogging at least every week. Hopefully that will change soon. At the moment my mind feels cluttered and I need to re-organize everything. That's where a list comes in handy. Here is my current to-do list:

-Go to the U of W to apply for continuance/talk to Rhetoric dept. about classes
-Start writing a new draft for my IPP/keep on planning
-Make a doctor's appointment
-Call Anneliese
-Re-vamp blog
-Re-vamp my room
-Bring old clothes to Salvation Army
-Talk to H&R Block about refund
-Grocery shopping

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's much more to do. I have to remember to use my time wisely, even though it's the summer. Every moment counts.