I was intrigued when I heard about Lil' Wayne and his new blog which he writes from prison. Well technically, his people on "Team Weezy" are re-writing his letters from jail and posting them on the new site
Weezy Thanx You.
If you don't know the story, Lil' Wayne just starting serving time for getting caught with a loaded gun on his tour bus. The blog only has one post thus far, and the site even has a countdown, to the second, of when he gets released. He still has 212 days of blogging to go.

I wonder what his main reasons for blogging are? At first thought it's to gain more attention. But he also addresses fans in his post, by name and location, writing back to the letters he's received. He seems really sincere, and I'm sure they love being acknowledged. I wonder if he'll write enough to keep people interested. I'm not sure how many hits the site has gotten, but I'm sure it's bound to be a success.However, I'm wondering how many of the young kids that idolize him realize the reality of his situation? Just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean his criminal record should be overlooked, but nonetheless, there he is, writing from his cell. I also wonder what it's like for a celebrity in jail? I'm sure it's not a typical jail cell scenario...
If you're on 'Team Weezy', check out the blog, you can even buy t-shirts. The mailing address to write to Lil' Wayne is also available.
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