Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life is what you make it

I know the title to this is pretty cliche, but it's also true.

I was having birthday dinner at my mom's place the other night and the conversation quickly took a serious note, and was kind of inspirational.

After noticing that my sister didn't look very happy, 'cause let's face it she never really does, my mom just had to comment, "What's wrong? You don't look very happy. You seem like you're always unimpressed." Which my sister replied, "Why is everybody asking me that?"

Well, sis, maybe because it's true. She just never seems to have a genuine smile on her face these days.

So, after my mom made my sister cry unintentionally, she went on to say that if there's something about your life you don't like, change it. You're the only one in control of your own destiny. I'm not really a fan of the word destiny. It just seems too wishy-washy and corny. But either way you spin it, I think she's right about that. Life is what we make it, and no one else can change it for us.

I've always been a big believer in trusting only yourself. I've had too many experiences where I've been let down by others and I've seen others get let down. Relying on yourself is important. However, I have begun to trust others more lately, which is a great feeling knowing you can rely on someone else and there's a real honesty coming from them. It's not very common these days, but it's great when you do find it.

There's a quote from Ghandi that I love which reminds me of a great friend who herself is an activist and is always looking for positive change:

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I think it really is that simple. If you want to see change, you have to make it happen. No one else is going to do it for you. You shouldn't just sit around waiting for someone else to do something. It's the worst thing you could do. In my experience it only leaves you bitter and more apathetic. Complaining about your life will only get you so far. Sure I could complain about things, but what's the point? I know it's only going to be undesirable for that moment. Things can quickly change in the blink of an eye if you want them to.

A year ago today I was probably in the worst shape of my life both mentally and physically. I let myself waste away to almost nothing, I was frenzied with negative thoughts and was drowning in a sea of depression. I thought just because I failed at school and in another relationship that I failed at life. Which is so not the case. Plans were made to be broken. And so they crumbled all around me. I was left with what felt like nothing to start over. Little did I know, there are other options in life.

Luckily I have an amazing support system of family and friends who carried me through that time. I don't know where I would be without them. I love them for that so much. I'm so grateful to have people around me who will help me no matter what happens. That's a great feeling to have. I think it's true that you have to hit rock bottom before you can climb your way back to the top. I'm still climbing but I feel closer than I've been in a long time.

Sure things aren't perfect at this precise moment, but I believe they are exactly as they should be. I can only see things getting better from here on out. I look forward to my future, whatever it may bring and I am so glad to be where I am today.

Life really is what you make it. To me, life is sweet. I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Beautiful post, Ren! It's great to read about you being bitten by the "Wuv-bug"... LOL! B.C. is going to be amazing and you totally deserve it! Tickled pink for you!, maybe a shade of purple too. :)

  2. Thanks, Linds! I don't think I've seen your comment until just now. I'm leaving on Wednesday! I can't believe things are actually working out!

    It was good to see you the other day! Love ya! xoxo
