Thursday, March 18, 2010

Script Frenzy

This month, we have a script writing assignment for Creative Writing. With only 7-10 pages needed, I figured this assignment would be a good starting off point for Script Frenzy, which is a script writing competition that starts April 1st. Only 14 days to go!

Script Frenzy is open to anyone and the goal is to write 100 pages of script in 30 days. It seems daunting, but with 10 pages that have to be written by the end of March, I figure, why not go for another 90 in a month? It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but the idea of actually finishing 100 pages would be a major accomplishment in itself, at least for me.

Despite all the craziness of CreComm at the moment, I feel that doing some writng will be so beneficial. I've always loved screenwriting, having taken two classes for TV and film at the U of W, and I think now is the time to get motivated and produce something for the competition. I know I have friends who are also doing the Frenzy and I hope to join them in writing groups where we can share ideas and dedicate time to write.

The idea for my script is a comedy, possibly a romcom type story that will be lightly based on real events.

Check out Script Frenzy's awesome website for more information.


  1. Go for it! That's three pages a day, right, over the course of April, once you've got the 10 already done in March...
